Ron Leonard
Studio 87 is pleased to represent the work of the late Ron Leonard. Ron’s son, Dave, recently brought the beautiful collection to our attention.
Primarily a Plein Air painter, Ron was born and educated in Toronto. He took a four-year Art Course at Northern Vocational School with such notable teachers as L.A.C. Panton and Leonard Brooks. Ron also developed an interest in magic at an early age, which soon developed into an intriguing part-time profession and remained until his death in 1998, an integral part of his continually active life.
World War 2 saw Ron overseas with the infantry, and eventually, because of Ron’s 'show biz' experience, was transferred to the Army Entertainment Branch. By age 21, Ron had attained the rank of Company Sergeant-Major in charge of show units on the war fronts of Europe.
Back home, Ron spent three years as National Director of Advertising for Odeon Theatres. In 1960, always the entrepreneur, he formed a company called "Complete Rent-Alls Ltd." expanding in 1966 to the specialized field of creative display "Scenery & Display Ltd." Here Ron designed and manufactured settings for commercial displays, parades, stage productions, and instant atmosphere for over 25 specific convention themes.
By 1970, however, the lure of the brush and palette was too strong, he sold the business and got into serious painting. One of Canada's most versatile artists, Ron worked in oils, watercolours, pen & ink and pencil. Usually outdoors, winter and summer, his style is direct and reflects his love of nature and the elements.
Ron traveled and painted in many parts of the world. His work has been exhibited regularly since 1970 at galleries in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa. An excellent teacher, he was often called upon to demonstrate or conduct workshops for various art groups and community colleges. Subjects range from landscapes, portraits, figures and still life. Sizes from 16 x 20 inches to murals and stage scenery.
His work is in over forty corporate collections in Canada, the U.S.A., Europe, Saudi Arabia to Japan.